DOC Sounds of Science Podcast
A behind the scenes look at how the Department of Conservation cares for New Zealand’s unique native species and natural environment.
Monday Nov 01, 2021
#15 The rare kākāriki karaka
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Did you know that Aotearoa’s rarest parakeet is a small, forest-dwelling bird, and there are only about 360 estimated to be left in the wild? The kākāriki karaka, or orange-fronted parakeet are in serious trouble. Listen and learn about the work to monitor and track this species, control predators in critical areas, and boost numbers with captive breeding.
Show notes available at
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Episode 14: Predator Free and me (part two)
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
This is the much awaited second part of Brent Beaven’s Predator Free interview. In this episode, we’re talking about upcoming innovations as well as current predator control tools, and yes that includes 1080. This episode is a big swing and we hope it gives you some important context. Show notes available at
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Episode 13: Predator Free and me (part one)
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Brent Beaven tells us everything we need to know about New Zealand's goal to be Predator Free by 2050. How will we? What is this? Is it even possible? Brent has the answers. In fact he has so many, we’ve split his interview in two.
Brent is an expert on predator control and has decades of hands-on field experience. He's herded sea lions, been hounded by kiwi, and caught mohua in his socks. In the world of threatened species conservation, you name it and Brent has done it. Listen and learn. Show notes available at
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Episode 12: Marine Magic
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Anton van Helden is a marine scientist by day moonlighting as a magician by night (although one could make the point that magic never sleeps). In this episode you’ll hear talk of strandings, toxoplasmosis, pub magic and climate; as well as working with Iwi on recovery of bones. Abracadabra, are you listening closely?
CONTENT WARNING: Please be advised that the following episode contains specific discussion of dissection (we kept it reasonably high level) which some listeners may find graphic. This is 8.03 – 11.22. And at 23.25 we talk about taonga and why dissections are important for Iwi.
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Episode 11: Best bits so far
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
This is a supercut of all our favourite moments from the past ten episodes, as guided by Erica Wilkinson. Lichens, bats, kākāpō sperm helmets (we couldn’t make this up) GPS, poo patches and more.
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Episode 10: Time to talk climate
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Jenny Christie is used to seeing eyebrows go up when she tells people what her job is. Perhaps a few years ago, this could be chalked up as scepticism, but nowadays it’s more likely to mean, ‘wow, big job’. Jenny’s job is climate change. She approaches this from an adaptation point of view, which means working on what we can be doing to manage and reduce the impacts of climate change on our native species and ecosystems. In this episode, Jenny talks about adaptation work underway, what she says to naysayers, and some of the impacts on native species we’re seeing right now.
Friday May 22, 2020
Episode 9: Non-vascular plants
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
Kelly Frogley is an expert when it comes to non-vascular plants. In this episode, Kelly explains what exactly they are, and shares some stories about unexpected discoveries and making the most of non-optimum spaces for optimum plant identification. She also talks about green-blindness and the importance of looking down. And up. And around – well, you get it.
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Episode 8: The Batman
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Colin O’Donnell knows everything there is to know about pekapeka/bats, and he’s accumulated some wild stories along the way. In the name of science, Colin has encountered popping bats, game-changing technology, tiger prints (!) and gelatinous excretions – which is exactly as gross as it sounds. Most importantly, in this episode we talk about the impact of predators on Aotearoa’s only endemic land mammal; highlighting the reason for us to work towards a Predator Free New Zealand.
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Episode 7: History with Herb
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Conservation enthusiast and DOC legend Herb talks to Nic about his experience as a science communicator, navigating the bush before sat nav, being trolled by kea, and species protection on offshore islands. Plus he treats us to some of his famous bird calls.
If there were such thing as conservation bingo, (sidebar: should we make that?) Herb would be a square all of his own, given how many times his name is mentioned in conservation conversation. “Ask Herb”, “See what Herb thinks” or “Herb might know” are popular refrains around here. Cheers to this stalwart of species survival.
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Episode #6: Our invertebrates
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Insect expert Eric Edwards talks to us about ecosystems, climate change and cataloguing critters. He also shares his adventures catching true bugs in Micronesia and navigating poo patches (!) in the Subantarctic Islands.

Every episode is a new adventure
The Department of Conservation is charged with caring for Aotearoa New Zealand's natural and historic heritage. This means species, places and ecosystems: all things nature. Every episode, a new expert sits down with our host Erica Wilkinson and we go behind-the-scenes on their work. We've been regaled with so many good work stories. Catching mohua in socks, getting chased by sharks, building a helmet to capture kākāpō sperm (yes, really) our experts have done it all and have the yarns to prove it. This show is produced and directed by Jayne Ramage, edited by Lucy Holyoake, with graphics by Belle Gwilliam.